Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"The system" and the ghostly smoke

Where I work, everything that runs on anything that can be vaguely classified as a computer is "The system." Sometimes, the hardware itself is also "The system."

Can't print? It must be "The system" messing up.
Forgot your password? Well, you can't access "The system" now.
Slow Internet? Better call the IT people so they fix "The system."
Your monitor, scanner, telephone, calculator or digital watch is misbehaving? "The system" is doing it again.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite events.

(Phone call)

Me: "IT department."
Me: *Internally WTFs*

Apparently, there was smoke coming out from a server. We went as quickly as we could to the location that reported this, expecting the worst. When we arrived, everything was working perfectly fine. We checked the hardware and found no signs of fire, smoke, overheating or electric problems, nothing burned or seemed damaged; the server didn't even turn off. The supervisor who reported this claimed that, after the smoke came out, "the system" got faster than before. It happened about a year ago and the server is still fine.

This will puzzle me forever.

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