Friday, January 15, 2016

Home issues

The management decided to put TVs in the store to promote our products and such. One of them was reportedly not working. Since we're IT, of course we fix TVs. Tech support guy went to check. TV was off. Not unplugged, not misconfigured, not trying to get a signal from an unavailable input or channel. Just off.

Another time and from another location, a phone was reportedly not working "for months", which hadn't been previously reported to us. But since we're IT, of course we fix phones. And since I'm in charge of the computer network, of course I have to go. The line was unplugged from the phone. The line was right there next to the phone, it just wasn't plugged into it. They didn't plug the phone for months, because they didn't know how. A simple regular, home telephone.

At least one time I got a call from a certain location reporting that "nothing works". They had a blackout.

Sometimes I wonder how these people live at home. What do they do if one of their devices, say, a microwave, is unplugged? Do they just stop using it forever? It's just fascinating.

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